Shakira and J. Lo’s Super Bowl Performance Gave a New Definition of Defying Age - Mirror,Mirror

More than Latina pride, Shakira and Jennifer Lopez’ performance at the 54th Super Bowl showed that everything gets better as you age, even the way you look 

Talks about age have always been accompanied with perceptions of looks and capabilities, posing statements such as “Can she still do it?” or “I wonder what she looks like without makeup after 40,” and the like. Ageing has been correlated to weakness–it’s a highly-visual fact of life. However, two iconic women and beloved beacons of hope rose to the occasion to prove otherwise.

Photo from: Yahoo Sports

Last February 3, 2020, the 54th Super Bowl emanated from Miami’s Hard Rock Stadium, and much to the grin of Kansas City Chiefs fans in attendance and watching worldwide, all eyes and ears were set on the Halftime Show, often hailed as a yearly spectacle of music at its grandest. But in a history-making move for the NFL, Shakira and J. Lo took the stage for this year’s performance and became the first Latin artists to perform music in their mother tongue. It brought to the fore the often underrepresented in mainstream music charts, especially since the Super Bowl have had Latin-pop superstars such as Gloria Estefan, Enrique Iglesias, and Christina Aguilera either give English renditions on Spanish tunes, or perform a piece that’s out of the genre.

Photo from: Yahoo Sports

But aside from generating buzz in the Latin-pop scene, the daring duo showed how ageing does not bear greater self-consciousness, but greater self-confidence. The conversation has shifted from “I wonder what she looks like after 40” to “You’re telling me she’s 40?!” The reactions were unanimous–it was less of “can she” and more of “she can.”

Photo from: Yahoo Sports

Shakira just turned 43 the day before the Super Bowl, and J. Lo stepped foot on stage at the age of 50. These Latinas were unapologetic in showing off their physiques, daring the naysayers to toss judgement based on their ages. Actually, it was apparent that their ages were unbeknown to many, as with every strut and pop of the hip, the duo made it clear that the signs of ageing did not slow them down–if these signs ever existed at all. Back in 2000, J. Lo “broke” the internet when millions of Google searches wanted to see her iconic silk chiffon green dress she wore to the Grammy’s. This year, one could only imagine how many people googled her age.

Surely, this Super Bowl performance has inspired a whole host of women in their primes to live their lives with the utmost confidence, and you don’t have to be a celebrated artist to do so. Worldwide, there has been an influx of skincare and anti-ageing treatments for women in their 40’s, ranging from long-term procedures to complex, step-by-step products. For a quick and easy solution to signs of ageing, Myra Ultimate has got you covered. With just 1-2 capsules nightly, fine lines and dark spots will be a thing of tomorrow. The secret lies in astaxantin, an antioxidant extracted from freshwater microalgae, which helps collagen production and protects these networks from UV damage over time. In fact, astaxanthin proves to be more effective than regular intake of vitamin C or other carotenoids such as beta carotene.

Look stunning in your 40’s with regular intake of Myra Ultimate. Dare to stun and wow everyone around you, and live your life with no hesitations. At this point, your age is just a number. 

For more information on Myra Ultimate, visit their website.

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