Blue Christmas? How To Manage Holiday Stress - Skin Deep

Here’s a quick guide to getting through the holidays.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…but not for everyone.

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When you find yourself low on Christmas spirit, use the following tips to help yourself power through until the new year.

Be mindful

Practicing “mindfulness” might seem intimidating when you already have a lot on your mind during the holidays.

However, that’s just a technical term that translates simply to “it is what it is.”

“Mindfulness is bringing your attention to the present moment with an element of nonjudgment and acceptance. It is noticing when we get caught up in thoughts about the past or the future, and returning our attention to the present—the only reality,” Johns Hopkins Mindfulness Program director and clinical psychologist Neda Gould defined.

Practice makes imperfect

Celebrations don’t prepare themselves.

The busy holiday season can get frustrating for those who need to organize every detail of a gathering in order to please everyone.

“As we gear up for the holidays, we often set the bar impossibly high for ourselves. And then feel upset when our celebrations don’t live up to expectations. It’s OK if it’s not perfect. Imperfection is healthy and normal. For some of us, it might just take a little practice,” Gould explained.

Make it count

Christmas checklists can run long with endless errands. Hence, there is no need to stress yourself further with any unnecessary emotional burden.

Focus only on what you need to have a meaningful experience for yourself and your loved ones.

Ask: “Where does this fit in the grand scheme of things? Can I use this moment of frustration as an opportunity to reflect? Even if this moment seems stressful, can I find a way to make it pleasant?”

Kill them with kindness

Other people can be just as difficult as the holidays.

“Whenever I encounter a difficult person, I tell myself, ‘this person is suffering, and that’s why they’re acting this way.’ It softens my frustration, helps me be more compassionate, and reminds me that it’s not personal,” Gould analyzed.

When in doubt, choose kindness.

Be gentle with yourself

“Typical New Year’s resolutions set you up for failure,” Gould warned.

Instead, why not start small and be kind to yourself?

Break up your big New Year’s resolution into smaller, actionable steps. When all else fails, learn to forgive yourself.

Banner Photo by Olena Sergienko on Unsplash.

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